Alan Pope

Alan Pope

Alan Pope, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at the University of West Georgia, USA. His doctoral training in clinical existential-phenomenological psychology coincided with the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism (begun in 1991) under the guidance of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. Drawing from this ongoing training, including more recent study with Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche, Alan has been developing and formalizing a contemplative approach to psychology deeply informed by Vajrayana theory and practice, which he uses to “revision” contemporary psychology models. He has developed and regularly teaches courses such as Buddhist Psychology, Psychology of Meditation, Eastern and Transpersonal Psychologies, Consciousness and Experience, and Psychology of Loss. Alan serves as member of the Editorial Board of Lhasey Lotsawa Translation and Publications; he is also a Dharma-stream facilitator. Alan lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, with his wife Shu-chin Wu, who is also a Samye Instructor.