Tsunma Jamyang

Tsunma Jamyang Donma

Ani Tsunma Jamyang Donma has served as Spiritual Care Provider at SickKids for over 10 years, originally as a volunteer and then as a Resident Chaplain in training. Now she is on staff as an Interfaith Chaplain at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. Recently Ani Tsunma coordinated a Mindfulness Research Symposium in Toronto, Canada, bringing together Buddhist practitioners, Secular Mindfulness Practitioners, Facilitators and Researchers exploring methods of best practice in Healthcare.

Ani Tsunma feels she never would have pursued a career as a Spiritual Care Provider or The Mindfulness Project initiative without the support of her teachers, sangha, and gurus. With love, devotion, and appreciation she wishes to acknowledge Kyabje Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche for his dignity and faith in her; Ven Dhyani Ywahoo for her sisterhood, love and vision; Phakchok Rinpoche for his love, encouragement, and support of her the whole way; Venerable Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo for her refreshing unapologetic honesty and ethics; and Khenchen Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche for introducing her to the Dharma, Tonglen, and Medicine Buddha Practice.