Buddhist Philosophy

Motivation or Intention

Motivation or intention precedes any activity, even if we don’t realize or acknowledge it. According to traditional Buddhist teachings, the initial motivation really determines whether action is virtuous or non-virtuous.  Giving rise to the right motivation or intention guarantees that we will accumulate a lot of merit and that our activity will be virtuous. 

Science of Mind
Buddhist Philosophy

Buddhist Science of Mind

Science of mind occupies a great deal of attention in Buddhist philosophy. This is not some new development; ancient Buddhist texts include major treatises investigating the mind. So, when we begin investigating the mind scientifically, we need to ask some fundamental questions. What is the mind? And how does mind arise–what causes it? How does our mind function?

Impermanence and freedom
Buddhist Philosophy

Impermanence and Freedom

Khenpo Gyaltsen knows that discussions of impermanence can cause strange reactions. Our nature is impermanent. There is no reason to feel unhappy about it. We see it all around us in small things, don’t we?

Ethical behavior
Buddhist Philosophy

Ethical Behavior in Buddhism: The Virtues

Ethical behavior occupies a central role on the Buddhist path to awakening. Yet often, modern presentations of Buddhist teaching skip over these fundamental principles. In our hurry to jump to the “good stuff,” however, we may be missing some crucial points.

Precious Human Life
Buddhist Philosophy

Check Yourself! Advice for Buddhist Practitioners

How do we become authentic Buddhist practitioners? In this short audio clip from a teaching in Sao Paolo, Brasil, Khenpo Gyaltsen says each one of us needs to remember to “check yourself.”

Buddhist Philosophy


Life-release, or the saving of animals destined for slaughter, is practiced throughout the Buddhist world. All schools of Buddhism encourage followers to not only refrain from harming beings, but also to actively save lives.

water offerings
Buddhist Philosophy

All About Water Bowl Offerings

Water offerings are a tradition was accepted by the masters of the past as a practice unique to Tibet. It is the most common offering of Tibetan Buddhism.

Offering water bowks
Buddhist Philosophy

Offering Water Bowls as Material Offerings

Offering water bowls is an easy and pleasurable meritorious activity widely practiced in Tibetan Buddhism. Water’s purity gives it great power.

Dharma student
Buddhist Philosophy

Dharma Student Qualities: How to Listen

Classic Buddhist texts discuss how to be the best type of Dharma student. Once we know the proper approach for a Dharma student, we can make swift progress!