Buddhist Philosophy

Visualization: How and Why?

Visualization can seem unnecessarily complicated when we first encounter meditation instruction. But creating a mental image and using that as an object of our attention is an important technique on the Vajrayāna path. Here, Phakchok Rinpoche shares some brief instruction on how to incorporate visualization practice into your daily meditation

Maha Guru
Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

A Big Heart and a Strong Mind

My aspiration for you in this start of a new year is that you grasp the key points of practice—in particular, keeping a big heart and a strong mind which in Tibetan is called “khokpa chenpo”. First of all, to be honest, even though we do need to study in order to gain deeper knowledge of the Dharma, when it comes to practice, a key ingredient is to keep it simple.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Chokgyur Lingpa’s Zangdok Palri Aspirations

To conclude our Copper-Colored Mountain series on this last Guru Rinpoche day of the year of the pig, I would like to share with you a very special prayer for rebirth in Zangdok Palri, written by the great tertön Chokgyur Lingpa himself.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Khandro Yeshé Tsogyel’s Departure to the Copper-Colored Mountain

On this Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share with you the account of Khandro Yeshé Tsogyel’s departure to the Copper-Colored Mountain at the end of her life. On Khandro Yeshé Tsogyel’s two-hundred and eleventh birthday, her time of teaching the beings of this world had come to an end, as foretold by the Lotus Guru, her consort.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Samten Gyatso in Zangdok Palri

For this Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share the account of a visionary journey to Zangdok Palri undertaken by one of our own lineage masters, Tsikey Chokling Rinpoché, reincarnation of Chokgyur Lingpa himself.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

The Visionary Journey of Shuksep Jetsün Rikdzin Wangmo

Today, I would like to share with you the account of the visionary journey to Zangdok Palri of one of the great female practitioners of the twentieth century, Shuksep Jetsün Rikdzin Wangmo.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Jikmé Tenpé Nyima’s Pure Vision of Zangdok Palri

On this Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share with you the description of Zangdok Palri made by Jikmé Tenpé Nyima (1865-1926), the third Dodrupchen Rinpoché. Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima was born in the Golok province of Tibet as one of the eight famous sons of Düdjom Lingpa. An outstanding scholar and Dzokchen practitioner, he was the teacher of many great masters, such as Jamyang Khyentsé Chökyi Lodrö.

Reducing Negative Emotions
Buddhist Philosophy

Reducing Negative Emotions: The Power of Meditation

Our minds are full of thoughts, full of afflictive emotions, and full of unhappiness. This is why dharma practice is really indispensable to us all. We can’t really do without it. It is better when we practice because right now our minds are completely under the control of our afflictive emotions. If we apply ourselves to the practice of dharma, it becomes the antidote that we need for our afflictive emotions.

Essence of Bodhicitta
Buddhist Philosophy

Essence of Bodhicitta

In this short audio teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche answers a student question asking about the very essence of bodhicitta.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Düdjom Lingpa’s Visionary Journey to Zangdok Palri

Today, I would like to share with you the story of Düdjom Lingpa’s (1835-1909) visionary journey to Zangdok Palri. Düdjom Lingpa was one of the great tertöns of the nineteenth century.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Do Khyentsé Yeshé Dorjé’s Visionary Journey to Zangdok Palri

Today I would like to share with you the story of Do Khyentsé Yeshé Dorjé’s (1800-66) visionary journey to Zangdok Palri. Do Khyentsé was a visionary master of the Nyingma lineage, and the reincarnation of Rikdzin Jigmé Lingpa, the founder of the Longchen Nyingtik tradition.