Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Pema Lingpa’s Visionary Journey to the Copper-Colored Mountain

This month, I would like to share with you a brief account of Pema Lingpa’s (1450-1521) visionary journey to Zangdok Palri. Pema Lingpa was an important Bhutanese treasure revealer within the Nyingma tradition and the reincarnation of Künkhyen Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa).

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Jamgön Kongtrul’s Visionary Journey to the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain

This month I would like to continue with the accounts of great masters’ visionary journeys to Zangdok Palri with the last to cover among the Khyen-Kong-Chok (Khyentsé, Kongtrül and Chokling) great trio of masters: Jamgön Kongtrül Rinpoché (’jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha’ yas, 1813-1899).

Learning Meditation
Buddhist Philosophy

Meditation: Correct Preparation in Three Steps

Learning meditation requires both study and actual practice. Correct preparation before starting a meditation session allows us to experience authentic results

Buddhist Philosophy

Buddha Nature: Where Is It?

When we hear that our innate nature is Buddha -nature, are we confident that it is so? How do we develop dignity–a sense of certainty in our innate nature?

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

Benefits of the Tenth Day of the Lunar Month

On this second Guru Rinpoche day of the lunar year of the pig, I wish to continue introducing you to Zangdok Palri, the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain, through the various accounts of great masters’ visionary journeys.

Buddhist Philosophy

Purposeful Teachings

Every one of the Buddha’s teachings has a purpose–each one suits the needs of a particular person. When we examine a teaching, we should ask if it is relevant, or meaningful.

Buddhist Philosophy

Practicing Dharma: Continuous Journey

When we really want to practice Dharma we wish to carry on until we die. We don’t want to stop! Dharma practice is a continuous journey. Of course, we want to continue until enlightenment but as we begin, we can think, “I want to practice at least until death”.

Motivation: The Real Meaning of Bodhicitta

In this teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche challenges us to come to understand the correct motivation. “Motivation is a reflection of yourself”, he teaches. This shows how important it is to examine our own minds. We can use the analogy of holding up a mirror–let’s examine ourselves honestly.

We need to know if we are self-centered, or if we are transforming to be more aware of others. But we can develop more than just concern for others. Going deeper, we can reflect and think about how we can really help.

Guru Rinpoche Day Teachings

The Nectar for the Ears of the Fortunate

This Guru Rinpoche day letter being the first of the lunar year of the pig and after much consideration, I have decided to focus this year on Zangdok Palri or the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain, where our Precious Maha Guru Padmasambhava dwells, through a series of personal accounts or narrations of a great practitioner’s visionary journeys to Zangdok Palri.

Ground, Path, Fruition
Buddhist Philosophy

Mahāyāna Practice Supports

As Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna practitioners we can regularly engage in self-reflection to check our progress.

We gradually train in understanding these crucial points to give our practice a strong foundation.