Seven Points of Mind Training

Taught by
In this course, Matthew Zalichin, resident teacher at Samye Hermitage New York, leads students through the seminal text, The Seven Points of Mind Training.

About This Course

Welcome to our comprehensive lojong (mind training) course, designed to help you refine and purify your intentions and aspirations through contemplation and meditation. Lojong involves the study of powerful aphorisms that serve as mechanisms to purify mental obscurations and train in both relative and ultimate bodhicitta.

The Seven Points of Mind Training

In this course, Matthew Zalichin, the resident teacher at Samye Hermitage New York, will guide you through the seminal text, The Seven Points of Mind Training. This profound work was brought to Tibet by the great Atisha Dipamkara and committed to writing by Chekawa Yeshe Dorjé. The teachings span ten sessions, allowing you ample time to meditate and contemplate these transformative instructions.

Course Highlights

  • Guided Teachings: Each session is led by Matthew Zalichin, who began studying Buddhism in 1971. He has been deeply influenced by eminent Tibetan lamas of various lineages, particularly through his root gurus, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
  • Meditation Sessions: Each teaching session includes a dedicated meditation period. We encourage you to download these recordings for your personal practice, aiding you in developing a consistent and meaningful meditation routine.
  • Daily Practice Emphasis: Phakchok Rinpoche frequently underscores the importance of daily practice. Utilizing the provided video resources, you can gradually familiarize yourself with the chants and integrate them into your daily routine.

The Author: Chekawa Yeshe Dorje

Chekawa Yeshe Dorje (1101-1175) was the master who codified the Seven Points of Mind Training. His work has been a cornerstone of Tibetan Buddhist practice, offering profound insights and practical guidance for transforming the mind.

Course Structure

Our lojong course is meticulously structured to support your practice and understanding:

  1. Comprehensive Teachings: Ten in-depth sessions covering each point of the Seven Points of Mind Training.
  2. Meditation Practices: Guided meditation sessions included in each teaching to deepen your practice.
  3. Supplementary Resources: Downloadable meditation recordings to support your personal practice.
  4. Daily Practice Integration: Encouragement and tools to establish a consistent daily meditation routine.

Why Practice Lojong?

Lojong practice is essential for developing bodhicitta, the altruistic intention to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. Through the contemplation of lojong slogans, you can:

  • Purify Mental Obscurations: Clear away negative patterns and habits.
  • Develop Bodhicitta: Train in both relative (compassionate actions) and ultimate (wisdom) bodhicitta.
  • Transform Your Mind: Cultivate a mind that is open, compassionate, and wise.

Enroll Now

Join us in this transformative journey of lojong practice. Deepen your understanding and application of The Seven Points of Mind Training with the expert guidance of Matthew Zalichin. Enroll today and take the first step towards refining your mind and developing bodhicitta.

Start Your Lojong Practice Today and experience the profound benefits of mind training.

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