Lama Norlha Puja

Phakchok Rinpoche will lead the Indonesian sangha in a day-long Lama Norlha Puja.

Medicine & Compassion Retreat in Nepal

Gokarna Forest Resort Nagpokhari Marg 390, Gokarneshwor, Nepal

Phakchok Rinpoche, Lama Oser, and Dr. David Shlim will lead a retreat focused on cultivating compassion, discussing how to integrate that skill into caring and caregiving.

Phakchok Rinpoche in Taiwan

Phakchok Rinpoche visits Taiwan for a series of teachings, public talks, and empowerments.

Tara Puja

Samye Penang 396-a, 1st Floor Wayton Court, Jalan Burma, Penang, Malaysia

Khenpo Gyaltsen visits Malaysia to give teachings and lead the local sangha in a variety of practices.

How to Make Water Offerings to the Lower Realms

Samye Penang 396-a, 1st Floor Wayton Court, Jalan Burma, Penang, Malaysia

Khenpo Gyaltsen visits Malaysia to give teachings and lead the local sangha in a variety of practices.