Vajra Gathering

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark Smedehalden 3, Esby, Knebel, Denmark

A timeless quality of open ground continues, like an indestructible red thread, ready for us to acknowledge. To realize this nature, is to realize the…

Uttaratantra Shastra Seminar with Kyabjé Khen Rinpoche Tashi Palden (Kyabjé Khenpo)

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Pyrénées Mas Can Pere Courreu, Route Departementale 13, La Bastide, France

The Uttaratantra Shastra (Tibetan Gyud Lama, Sanskrit Mahāyānottaratantra Śāstra) is a profound commentary on the teachings of the third turning of the wheel of Dharma explaining buddha nature.…