Q&A With Phakchok Rinpoche

Join via livestream! Phakchok Rinpoche will hold a question-and-answer session for the students at Rangjung Yeshe Institute.

Lama Norlha Tsok Bum

Asura Cave Retreat Center Pharping Rd., Dakshinkali, Nepal

Join via livestream! On the auspicious day of the miraculous births of Guru Rinpoche, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, and Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa, we invite you to join us in a Lama Norlha Tsok Bum.

Befriending Your Mind

Victor Club Sathorn

In this public talk, Rinpoche will share practical teachings on how to cultivate a deeper and more harmonious relationship with your mind. Whether you are…

Essence of Mahayana

Baiyoke Sky Hotel

The "Essence of Mahayana" retreat offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the heart of the Mahayana teachings under the guidance of Phakchok Rinpoche.…