资深喇嘛教学课程—华语弟子专属:冈波巴四法 (The Four Dharmas of Gampopa)

Online Event

敬爱的华语金刚师兄们, 欢迎来到资深喇嘛教学系列的主页,桑耶佛学院在帕秋仁波切的要求下,举办的系列课程。仁波切要求喇嘛们从冈波巴四法又称隆钦巴四法开始这个系列。这四句为追随佛法而给予的甚深口诀。 资深喇嘛们将会用藏语教学,届时会有同声华语翻译。 冈波巴四法 (Tib. དྭགས་པོ་་ཆོས་བཞི་, Wyl. dwags po chos bzhi) lo chö su dro war chin gyi lop 愿心向法. chö lam du dro war chin gyi lop…

Tsok Bum Series: Phurba (Vajrakīlaya)

Asura Cave Retreat Center Pharping Rd., Dakshinkali, Nepal

We are joyfully announcing a series of 100,000 ganachakra feast offerings (or: tsok bum) that will be completed at the sacred site of the Asura cave, where…

Tsok Bum Series: Pema Khandro (Kurukulle)

Asura Cave Retreat Center Pharping Rd., Dakshinkali, Nepal

We are joyfully announcing a series of 100,000 ganachakra feast offerings (or: tsok bum) that will be completed at the sacred site of the Asura cave, where…

Ngakso Drupchen Puja for Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche

Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery Seto Gompa, Seto Gompa Marg 1, Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal

Adapted from the post from Shedrub.org, the Online Home of Tulku Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Images courtesy of John Harris. The monks from Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling,…