资深喇嘛教学课程—华语弟子专属:冈波巴四法 (The Four Dharmas of Gampopa)

Online Event

敬爱的华语金刚师兄们, 欢迎来到资深喇嘛教学系列的主页,桑耶佛学院在帕秋仁波切的要求下,举办的系列课程。仁波切要求喇嘛们从冈波巴四法又称隆钦巴四法开始这个系列。这四句为追随佛法而给予的甚深口诀。 资深喇嘛们将会用藏语教学,届时会有同声华语翻译。 冈波巴四法 (Tib. དྭགས་པོ་་ཆོས་བཞི་, Wyl. dwags po chos bzhi) lo chö su dro war chin gyi lop 愿心向法. chö lam du dro war chin gyi lop…

Tsok Bum Series: Phurba (Vajrakīlaya)

Asura Cave Retreat Center Pharping Rd., Dakshinkali, Nepal

We are joyfully announcing a series of 100,000 ganachakra feast offerings (or: tsok bum) that will be completed at the sacred site of the Asura cave, where…

Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo (Restricted Teaching)

Online Event

Phakchok Rinpoche will offer a series of Dharma teachings over the course of the next month.  As the teachers regularly remind us, the gift of…

Tsok Bum Series: Pema Khandro (Kurukulle)

Asura Cave Retreat Center Pharping Rd., Dakshinkali, Nepal

We are joyfully announcing a series of 100,000 ganachakra feast offerings (or: tsok bum) that will be completed at the sacred site of the Asura cave, where…