Guru Rinpoche Pilgrimage

Seeing me, all the Buddhas are seen, Accomplishing my practice, the practice of all the Buddhas is accomplished, For I am the embodiment of all the…

Fall Seminar 2017

This year at the Fall Seminar, Rinpoche will be teaching from the following texts: "Vision in the Valley of Chukol", from the pure visions of…

Sadhana Ritual Course – 2018

We are very pleased to announce our eighth annual Sādhana Ritual Course, scheduled 15 December – 11 January. The course this year will focus on…

Khenpo Gyaltsen – Asia Tour 2017-2018

Rangjung Yeshe Selangor (RYS) 2/1/2018: Importance of Boddhicitta and Wisdom. 3/1/2018: How to gain Devotion 4/1/2018: Dusum sangye “The Prayer in Six Vajra Lines” 5/1/2018:…

Heap of Jewels Retreat

In his upcoming visit to Singapore in Jan 2018, Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche will be conducting 2-day teaching retreat on "A Heap of Jewels", a precious…

 ‍‍‍Kurukulle Fire Puja and Empowerment

Rinpoche-la will also lead us in a 2-day practice of Kurukulle that will conclude with a fire puja at the last session. As a form…


Khorwa Dongtruk Puja

Samye Hermitage Bali Munduk, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia

2018 Hong Kong Tour

Lama Norlha Empowerment 20/1 Saturday- 2.00pm - 4.00pm   Ngondro Teaching 21/1 Sunday- 10.00am - 12.30pm   The Practice of Recalling the Life of Guru…