Transforming Your Life By Transforming Your Mind

TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE BY TRANSFORMING YOUR MIND WITH PHAKCHOK RINPOCHE & ERRIC SOLOMON Drawing on their own personal experience both as happiness practitioners and teachers,…


Guru Rinpoche Pilgrimage

Seeing me, all the Buddhas are seen, Accomplishing my practice, the practice of all the Buddhas is accomplished, For I am the embodiment of all the…

Fall Seminar 2017

This year at the Fall Seminar, Rinpoche will be teaching from the following texts: "Vision in the Valley of Chukol", from the pure visions of…

Sadhana Ritual Course – 2018

We are very pleased to announce our eighth annual Sādhana Ritual Course, scheduled 15 December – 11 January. The course this year will focus on…

Khenpo Gyaltsen – Asia Tour 2017-2018

Rangjung Yeshe Selangor (RYS) 2/1/2018: Importance of Boddhicitta and Wisdom. 3/1/2018: How to gain Devotion 4/1/2018: Dusum sangye “The Prayer in Six Vajra Lines” 5/1/2018:…

Heap of Jewels Retreat

In his upcoming visit to Singapore in Jan 2018, Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche will be conducting 2-day teaching retreat on "A Heap of Jewels", a precious…

 ‍‍‍Kurukulle Fire Puja and Empowerment

Rinpoche-la will also lead us in a 2-day practice of Kurukulle that will conclude with a fire puja at the last session. As a form…