Are you currently doing ngöndro practice?

  • Are you currently doing ngöndro practice?

    Posted by Hilary Herdman on July 15, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Dharma brothers and sisters,

    we are developing a number of support materials for those of you who are currently doing ngöndro practice.

    We encourage any of you ngöndro practitioners to join the TUKDRUP BARCHÉ KÜNSEL NGÖNDRO group forum on this site.  There you can discuss your inspirations, questions, and obstacles in a supportive environment. We will be adding a great deal of visual, audio, and written support over the next six months and we would love to hear from all of you regarding what you most need from us.

    Best wishes,


    Hilary Herdman replied 8 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Shlomo Shantiparamita Springer

    July 15, 2015 at 10:02 pm

    Yes, I am currently doing the Ngondro practices, and as I have said in the related forum, I would appreciate any detailed and concise instructions on how to build visualisations, for example the Refuge Tree with all its details, etc. Thank you for bringing up this subject again! 🙂

    Hands palm to palm, Shlomo

  • Hilary Herdman

    July 16, 2015 at 12:09 am

    Dear Shlomo,

    Thanks for your speedy response.  We  will be adding those materials to the Samye site in the early fall and will be announcing improvements and resources as we roll them out.

    In the meantime, if you have any specific questions about the visualization process, the ngöndro forum is the perfect place to raise them.

    Warm wishes for continued success in your practice,




    • Shlomo Shantiparamita Springer

      November 28, 2015 at 9:18 pm

      Well, I guess I should apologise for my late reply 🙂
      Thank you dear Hilary!

      • Hilary Herdman

        November 29, 2015 at 2:42 am

        Hi Shlomo,

        You should have received recently an email announcing the upcoming video Q&A with Phakchok Rinpoche regarding ngöndro . If you have any questions regarding your practice that you would like to ask Rinpoche directly, please submit them on the ngöndro forum or by replying to the email. We will be selecting a number of questions, so this is a great opportunity!

        Warm wishes,


  • Paul Easton

    July 16, 2015 at 2:03 am

    No, although I do the Seven Line Prayer a fair amount. In spite of my root teacher’s urgency about it I basically gave up on ever finishing ngondro because of my low tolerance for boredom, and I don’t feel it left me at a disadvantage compared to my friends who finished it. However I recently got an empowerment for the Yuthok Nyingthik Ngondro which takes only two weeks, and I am hoping to do that some time soon.

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