[Q n A] Aspiration Prayer to Guru Rinpoche

  • [Q n A] Aspiration Prayer to Guru Rinpoche

    Posted by minche huang on March 26, 2019 at 9:06 am

    There is Question regarding An Aspiration Prayer to Guru Rinpoche from the Oral Instructions on the Gradual Path of Wisdom Essence:

    Related to this aspiration, should we replace “Tibet” (bod khams) with the following terms: “the world” (’jig rten), the “three realms” (khams gsum) or even “samsara and nirvana” (’khor ’das)? I think it would be the best way to cultivate selflessness and compassion without borders.

    Rinpoche answers as follow:

    Of course, it’s fine to do this. Whether you have a general or specific focus, both are fine. But I do think it’s best to first focus on your own country. The teachings first need to spread in one country before they can spread throughout the three realms of existence.

    For example, the Tibetan disciples thought of Tibet first. Once the Buddhadharma in general and Vajrayana in particular had been established in Tibet, the doctrine could spread throughout the entire world. In the same way, though we keep the whole world in mind, in terms of having a specific objective, we can start by focusing on one country. You need to first put effort in propagating the Dharma wherever you are, before thinking of propagating it throughout the whole world.

    In brief, Vairocana, Yeshe Tsogyal, and the other main disciples were all bodhisattvas. They prayed with the motivation of bodhicitta. However, they first focused on their own country, Tibet. Sometimes it’s good to just focus on wherever you are.

    And if you look at the aspiration itself, it actually covers both the particular and the general. First, the disciples are praying for happiness in Tibet. Then, for the doctrine to endure. And finally, for the guru’s awakened activity to spread wherever they may take rebirth. So doesn’t that cover all beings?

    Marcin Piatkowski replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kelly Coburn

    April 11, 2019 at 1:07 pm

    I find this so valuable! Thank you Minche

  • Marcin Piatkowski

    March 4, 2020 at 11:19 am

    Thank you Minche.

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