Request for Feedback from Users

  • Request for Feedback from Users

    Posted by Hilary Herdman on January 13, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    Dear Dharma family,

    We at Samye would like to provide practitioners with the materials they most want and need. It would be great if we can get more suggestions from students as to what type of content is most helpful. In our ngondro group forum, there have have been some recent discussions about what students would like to see.

    We hope that others will also join in with answers to some specific questions:

    1. Are there specific topics or teachings you find most helpful in this format?

    2 How important is video versus audio to your experience?

    3. How important is live versus recorded video to your experience?

    4. What one thing would you most like to see added to the Samye site?

    5. What do you find is the optimal length for a video or audio teaching?

    Thank you in advance for helping us to help you!

    The Samye team

    Kelly Coburn replied 7 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Lois Kamandulis

    January 14, 2017 at 10:12 pm

    Thank you, Hilary and the entire Samye Team, for this forum to discuss and share some requests and ideas.

    You all already provide such a wealth of resources, and we are all so grateful.

    I missed several of the live stream teachings (some advertised on Facebook, but the time difference was so vast and I hadn’t actually seen the advertisement until it was nearly over), so if there’s a possibility to record audio for any future teachings, I’d greatly appreciate it. (Or, if the audio exists and I’ve just missed it, please re-direct me!) I find audio formats more convenient to stream or play, esp. while in the car commuting to work, or while exercising (-this in addition to one’s daily practice. And I hope this is ok to do – please let me know if this is an inappropriate way to listen to the talks/teachings).

    Also, it would be helpful if all the video and audio clips that are currently available could be housed or tagged/copied into each discussion group’s Resources page. I’ve found that so many helpful videos, e.g. Tulku Migmar’s prostrations clip, are couched within a single post in the discussion group; finding these video clips amongst all the pages of posts can be a bit tedious, so perhaps a tab could be created for all the videos or audio clips currently available?

    I hope this is helpful and not too much to ask.

    Thank you again so much for all your work!!

  • Michael Gibbs

    January 15, 2017 at 2:10 am

    I’m new to the forum, but I would really love to see a course or book (or both) on the Concise Barché Kunsel Sangcho practice with detailed explanations of all the lines and any specific visualizations that need to be implemented during the practice. I received the transmission from Phakchok Rinpoche last year and really love practicing it, but there are definitely some lines and terms I could use clarification on, for example, “Hordes of Jungpos of the three-thousandfold existence.” Also, I’m not exactly sure when to light the sang substances, so I’ve just been lighting the sang mix/incense at “Ram Yam Kham.”  Perhaps such a course could also include a detailed description on how a practitioner can make their own sang recipe in accordance with this particular practice. This is my suggestion and wish. May all beings benefit!

  • edward utacht

    January 15, 2017 at 2:04 pm

    To reply to several of the points above:

    video is important to me if there is a physical aspect to the teaching for example prostrations or mudras. Otherwise, audio is perfectly fine.

    live vs. recorded, for me it’s only important that it be live if there is a transmission aspect for example, a lung.

    As a previous poster mentioned, I would very much like to see a comprehensive, line by line explanation of the beautiful concise sang practice, including how to mix substances in the traditional manner.

    the optimal length for individual parts of a teaching is 20-30 minutes, but if there is a translator of course longer. The optimal length of an entire teaching is “as long as it need be”, but having it broken down into manageable parts is nice, maybe by topic or just a series of shorter clips or files. I loose my place in long audio teachings as I rarely have  1.5-2 uninterrupted hours to sit and listen.


    thanks so much for soliciting feedback from us! May Rinpoche’s activity increase and expand!

  • David Cogman

    January 16, 2017 at 7:53 am

    First thank you to everyone for all the work on this site, it’s a great resource.

    On the questions:

    1. Explanations of how to perform the sadhanas for those of us who can’t make it to the sadhana ritual course. Cannot overstate how helpful that would be.

    2. For what I’d like under #1 you would absolutely need video.  For anything that doesn’t need physical demonstration I would strongly prefer audio – easier to listen to, less memory, etc.

    3.  Not at all important. I don’t know if one can receive a valid lung from a live stream – some teachers believe so, others don’t, I’ve never heard KPR’s position on this. But apart from that, I can’t think of any reason why you’d need live.

    4. More materials on #1 above!

    5. Below half an hour, as my day is scheduled in half-hour intervals

  • Hilary Herdman

    January 19, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    Dear Dharma friends,

    Thank you all very much for your feedback–and please do use this forum to keep it coming!

    We are in the process of adding many of the elements you have requested already, and your specific requests have been most helpful as we prioritize our plans and discuss development. We are very excited about new offerings in the new year, so please stay tuned here to see additions, changes, streamlining, and a facelift!

    And again, if any of you are interested in helping on Samye content and especially if you have skills in web design, layout, writing, video and audio editing, please write to me at We have plenty of opportunities to help!

    Warm regards,

  • Kelly Coburn

    January 30, 2017 at 5:01 pm

    Thank you Hilary and everyone behind the scenes!

    I have a specific request.  Could the images of the Twelve Manifestations from the Guru Rinpoche Day teachings be posted somewhere?  (The images that appear briefly in the beginning of the videos).  Perhaps they can be added as Rinpoche teaches about each one?

    Fondly, Kelly

  • Hilary Herdman

    January 31, 2017 at 7:08 am

    Yes, Kelly–we’ll get good quality images posted soon!

    • Hilary Herdman

      February 17, 2017 at 9:55 am


      We have posted the Twelve manifestation photo and the identifying map in the Mahayoga forum!  Thanks for that request!

      • Kelly Coburn

        February 18, 2017 at 12:03 pm


        Thank you!

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