Scheduling the roadmap

  • Scheduling the roadmap

    Posted by Karel Bolckmans on August 31, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    Dear Erric,

    Sorry for not having been able to attend the live sessions, but meanwhile I watched all recordings and took tons of notes. These teachings are just wonderful, to. Say the least. I can recognize in your book and in these teachings somehow the practices on generating bodhicitta (The Seven Points of Cause and Effect, Equalizing and Exchanging Self with Others) but you have a real, real, real talent to teach Buddhism in a very accessible, practical, modern way, without the flowery and sometimes cryptic language. Your enthusiasm and compassion are contagious. I look forward to attend many more teachings from you and hope to invite you some day to come and teach in our centre in Belgium. I read your book in Dutch and it is one of the best Dharma books I’ve read. And the most beautiful too ! A real gem.
    One question I have is what your advice is on progressing through the 28 exercises in the book. How many weeks, months or years do you recommend to spend on each of the 28 exercises or on each of the nine chapters (or three parts) before moving to the next one ? How would you “schedule the roadmap” ?

    warm regards,


    Karel Bolckmans replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Erric Solomon

    September 2, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Dear Karel,

    What you wrote makes me feel joyful! It’s wonderful that the teaching are touching your heart and mind in such a meaningful way.

    There is no set answer to your question about progressing through the book. Each of us will respond to the material in a different way. Generally speaking, I suggest you read the whole book, so that you know the roadmap. It sounds like you’ve done that. Then both Rinpoche and I, imagined that people would go through the book slowly and experience each practice in turn. How long for each depends a lot on you. When you feel like you are getting the hang of a practice, then perhaps it is a good time to move to the next. It is also ok, if you find one of the exercises doesn’t speak to you or you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, then put it aside and move on. But maybe revisit it later on. Sometimes when we drop something, that is when the magic happens.

    Also, sometimes when life throws an obstacle in our path, it is ok to jump to an exercise that seems tailor made for our situation.

    If I were to make this into a course (something I do think about). I would spend 8-10 weeks on basic happiness. 10 weeks on interconnected. And maybe 5 weeks on Radical Happiness. But it’s always better in self study to go at your own pace.

    I am easily available through instagram and facebook. You can use the messaging app to speak to me, if questions arise. Or if you don’t use that you can reach me through samye.

    Best Wishes, erric

    p.s. I live in France so coming to Belgium (covid permitting) should be easy 😉

  • Karel Bolckmans

    September 3, 2020 at 5:52 am

    Bonjour Eric ????

    Thank you very much for your advice. This is very useful and gives some guidance. (Such guidance is generally often missing in books and teachings.)

    When I read/studied your book early this summer I scanned all the 28 practices into an A5 “Exercise booklet” (20 page Word doc) that I’ve been using since on my cushion. It is in Dutch but I’ll send it to you, so you have an idea.

    How would you translate “dignity” in ‘traditional’ Buddhist terminology ?

    I’ll get in touch with you about the possibility of teaching in our center(s) in Belgium. I practice at Karma Sonam Gyamtso Ling near Antwerp.

    Be safe. Be healthy. Be happy. Radically ????

    Best regards


  • Erric Solomon

    September 3, 2020 at 10:26 am

    That’s a great idea to have all the exercises handy in one document.


    Dignity is similar to Vajra Pride (or Vajra Confidence). In the context of Vajrayana it means complete confidence in that the nature of our mind is the same as Buddha, primordially pure and possessing all the qualities of enlightenment.

    When you have that kind of confidence, which isn’t based on a comparison nor judgement, then you exude a humble dignity. So in Radically Happy, we explain how to begin to discover Dignity. First gaining confidence in the exercises, then having confidence in the veracity of the experience that is the result of the exercises. Ultimately, finding an unshakable resolve that we already possess everything we need to be well, to progress on the path and to gain realization of the fruit of the path. That is Dignity.

  • Karel Bolckmans

    September 3, 2020 at 10:22 pm

    Thank you very much for this very clear and concise explanation of Dignity.

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