Forum Replies Created

  • Julian Rutherford

    December 15, 2017 at 3:14 am in reply to: Accumulation in other languages?

    Hi Michal,

    Others have asked this before (mainly about reciting in English). Rinpoche’s view is that that it is indeed fine to use your own language and the accumulations do count towards the total. The meaning is the most important part, however as the texts are composed by great masters, they have blessings associated with them, so it’s preferable to chant in Tibetan once you are familiar with the meaning.

  • Julian Rutherford

    October 24, 2017 at 7:29 pm in reply to: Little bug on the 6 vajra lines accumulation page

    Hi Joa-san,

    Thanks for spotting this! You’ll be pleased to know that no accumulations have been lost, the counters were set to only count the first 500 entries by default (in the plugin we are using).

    I’ve updated this now and all is good!

    Thanks again for spotting this.



  • Beautiful, look forward to hearing and seeing more of Amrita Mountain 🙂

  • Julian Rutherford

    August 28, 2015 at 5:31 am in reply to: Wisdom Blog: Lion or Dog?

    I find this pith instruction incredibly helpful in practice. Trying to deal with thoughts and emotions by interacting with them guarantees I get lost in their plot so to speak.

    When I turn and look for the source of where they’re coming from, it’s enough to loosen their fascination and grip on my attention. It reminds me to relax not get involved.

    I’m far from manifesting the power and strength of a lion though, barely domestic kitten level!