Forum Replies Created

  • Andrea Sherman

    March 21, 2019 at 11:18 pm in reply to: "The Grace of Diminishment"

    There is new evidence from a University of Pennsylvania study that suggests that the regular practice of meditation can ease the symptoms of early dementia. Results from a study indicate that those who meditated 12 minutes a day over eight weeks, had significant  improvements in memory.  Participants included 20 patients who had some form of memory loss and were from ages 52-70, In fact brain scans revealed dramatic increases in blood flow to the area of the brain that is associated with learning and memory.

    According to the University of Pennsylvania’s Andrew Newborn, MD, who conducted the study: “For the first time, we are seeing scientific evidence that meditation enables the brain to actually strengthen itself and battle the processes working to weaken it.”  So is it possible for meditation, and for mindfulness to protect against the mind’s diminishment?

  • Andrea Sherman

    December 20, 2015 at 2:03 pm in reply to: Reading List with Life Stories

    Many thanks for the reading list!!

    warmly, Andrea

  • Andrea Sherman

    December 18, 2015 at 5:12 pm in reply to: Noticing Vs. Judging

    For me the noticing seems less emotional than the judging. Judging seems to have an emotional quality to it that carries me away And then, I notice and return. Thanks, Andrea

  • Andrea Sherman

    September 26, 2015 at 3:19 pm in reply to: Introduce Youself

    Hello everyone. My name is Andrea Sherman, I am 68 years old and a student of Phakchok Rinpoche. Recently I am involved with the Veterans Affairs in Bronx, NY in a virtual learning community of interdisciplinary health care students and professionals. My speciality is in aging.

    I am helping to think about the learning platform of Samye with Hilary and Kevin Gormley.