Upcoming Pujas @ Do-Ngak Ling Monastery

Tara Practice

Tara Practice is performed daily at Nagi Gompa Nunnery.

If you request the Tara Practice, the Druplas and Tsunmas of Nagi Gompa Nunnery will pray tomorrow morning for all mother sentient beings, including yourself and your family members and loved ones to reduce fear, anxiety, and to overcome obstacles.

Arya Tara, also known as Jetsun Dölma in Tibetan, is a female Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. She also appears as a female Buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Her name means “mother of liberation”. In these degenerate times, she is renowned for great compassion and swift activity in protecting beings from fears, harm, obstacles and calamities.

You may choose between a standard Tara Practice, a concise Tara Practice (where the Druplas and Tsunmalas chant 10.000 Tara prayers), or the elaborate Tara Practice (where 100.000 prayers are chanted). You may also consider making this a monthly subscription.
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