Meditation on a Mental Object

Download Video Transcript In this video, Phakchok Rinpoche explains how we begin to train with focus on a mental object. He explains that first we…

Full Guided Meditation Session

Download Video Transcript ***Please note that this meditation session can be used throughout the year. In the formal sitting meditation, please engage in whichever technique…

Learning How to Meditate

Download Video Transcript Phakchok Rinpoche understands that some people have problems when they first try to meditate. Some people say they are unable or uncomfortable…

Beginning a Meditation Session

Download Video Transcript Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us that the enlightened teacher Padmasambhava, or Guru Rinpoche, explained the importance of correct preparation for a meditation session.…

Student Pathways

Student Pathways Commit not a single misdeed,Cultivate a wealth of virtue,Completely tame your mind,This is Buddha’s teaching. —Buddha Shakyamuni Three Pathways The Buddha summarized all…


The Vajrayāna, the “Diamond” or “Thunderbolt” Path of Buddhism is also known as the Mantrayana. The ultimate fruition of Buddhahood is no dif…


Ākāśagarbha is a bodhisattva who features in the group known as the “eight close sons of the Buddha”. He is said to epitomize great compassion.…

Developing Compassion

Tulku Migmar will lead us through an exploration of The Precious Garland of the Sublime Path by the master Gampopa.