Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was a Tibetan Buddhist master of both the Kagyü and Nyingma lineages. After leaving Tibet he settled at Nagi Gompa hermitage in…

Ten Nonvirtues

The Ten Nonvirtues or Unwholesome Activities are actions of body, speech, and mind that are motivated by negative emotions and that cause harm to othe…

Samye Hermitage Bali

Samye Hermitage Bali will offer a diverse program of lessons and training courses in different spheres, such as Buddhist philosophy and practice, meditation and concentration…


Jetsün Milarepa is one of the most famous yogis in the history of Tibet. His life story is an inspiration for laypeople and monastics alike. His namt…

Three Doors of Liberation

The three doors or gateways of liberation are taught in both foundational Buddhism and in the Mahayana. A practitioner is instructed to meditate on th…

Ten Bhūmis

The ten bhūmis literally mean the “grounds” or levels of bodhisattvas in which the qualities of their training unfold. With the attainment of the…

Unité 4: L’essence

L’entraînement de l’esprit, comme nous l’avons appris, implique de comprendre tous ses aspects. Dans cette quatrième section, Phakchok Rinpoché répète ces quatre aspects de l’esprit.…

Unité 2: Capacité de l’esprit

Entraîner l’esprit : révision L’entraînement de l’esprit implique plusieurs étapes.  Dès la première unité, nous avons appris l’essence, la nature, la capacité et ce que…

Five Paths 

According to the Mahayana tradition, one aspiring to complete enlightenment progresses through practices according to five paths. These paths also map…

Kunzang Tuktik

The Kunzang Tuktik, or Heart essence of Samantabhadra is a profound Maha-Ati-yoga Dzogchen terma.  In the development stage, the peaceful and wrathful deities are the…