
Bardo is a Tibetan term that translates as “the period between two events”. The Tibetan syllable “bar” means “between” or “ intermediate…

Prostrations: Why and How?

Prostrations are a way of paying respect as well as a mindfulness practice. In this video filmed at Samye Hermitage New York in 2015, Tulku Migmar dis…

Six Classes of Beings

Buddhism teaches that sentient beings cycle repeatedly through saṃsāra, taking rebirth in six main classes or realms. Each of these realms features…

Three Realms of Existence

The three realms, or spheres, of cyclic existence are the various states in which sentient beings take rebirth. According to the Buddha, these three r…

Five Paths 

According to the Mahayana tradition, one aspiring to complete enlightenment progresses through practices according to five paths. These paths also map…

Patrul Rinpoche

Patrul Rinpoche was born in northern Kham, in 1808 into the Mukpo clan. He was recognized at an early age as the incarnation of the Pelge Lama, Samten…


Nyungné is a fasting ritual practice from the Kriya Tantra collection focused on the 1000-armed Avalokiteshvara. This practice helps to purify negati…