Extending Mindfulness: How to Train

Extending mindfulness is a type of training. How do we maintain? Phakchok Rinpoche in this video explains that extending is a skill that we need to de…

Training in Kindness

In this teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us that all of the Buddha's teachings revolve around developing and training in kindness.

Four Applications of Mindfulness

The Four Applications of Mindfulness are core trainings in both the foundational vehicle and in the Mahayana. Meditators examine four categories of ex…

Daily Life Training

Daily life training is crucial for success in Dharma practice. The Buddha often taught his disciples about the central importance of proper conduct. Positive conduct…

Training in Compassion

In this course, Dr. David Shlim introduces us to compassion and shows how we can train to make our compassionate mind to be stable, vast and effort…

Unit 3: The Nature of Mind

Training the mind, Rinpoche reminds us, has multiple aspects. First, there is the essence, second is nature, third is capability, and fourth is active mind. Generally,…

Unit 2: Capability of Mind

Training the Mind: Review Training the mind involves multiple steps.  From the first unit, we have learned about the essence, the nature, the capability, and…