The Path

Three Aspects of the Path When Phakchok Rinpoche teaches about the path, he specifies three aspects. We need to keep all three of these elements…

Month 4: Vajra Breath

In the fourth month we continue practicing śamatha meditation. Once again, our support is the breath, but we now use a different method. We incorporate…

Seeing Faults: Notice, But Don’t Judge

Seeing Faults: Knowing Our Own Issues As meditation practitioners, we need to see our bad habits habits, negative emotions, carelessness and lack of mindfulness. Thus…

Essence of the Ground

Ground: The Foundation of Our Practice Ground refers to a fundamental foundation. Phakchok Rinpoche explains that, In the meditation tradition, we always talk about the…

Connecting to the Lineage Masters

Connecting to lineage masters becomes fundamental for Vajrayana Buddhist practice. When we understand how practical advice and encouragement was passed from master to disciple we…

The Six Perfections – Introduction

The Six Perfections, or Six Pāramitās, are attitudinal milestones which people who are really motivated towards compassion can use to evaluate how they provide compassion…