
The Tibetan word lo means the thinking mind. The word Jong translates to train, work with purify, or refine. Thus this term in Tibetan is usually tran…

Taking Hold of Bodhicitta

Taking hold of bodhicitta is a crucial element of Noble Living and also of Noble Caring. When we wish to live nobly, we give up…

Path of Realization

The Path of Realization Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo Overview The Path of Realization leads students through the traditional Vajrayana journey as laid out by the Mahaguru…

Path of Transformation

The Path of Transformation Wellbeing | Compassion Training | Meditation Introducing the Path of Transformation Over two decades, Phakchok Rinpoche has tailored Buddhist meditation and…

Khenpo Gyaltsen’s Teachings in Malaysia

In January, the Malaysian sangha hosted a teaching program series by Khenpo Gyaltsen. The program covered many fundamental Dharma topics for both beginners and Vajrayana…

Loving Kindness

Loving kindness or love in Buddhist terminology refers specifically to the wish that all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.