Student Pathways » Path of Dignity

The Path of Dignity


The Path of Dignity is a one-year course and practice program designed to follow the 14 chapters of Phakchok Rinpoche’s Awakening Dignity book. The program focuses on discovering how to know yourself, know your path, and shape your character. In the process, participants develop kindness toward self and others. This program is open to all.

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Introducing the Path of Dignity

In this video, Phakchok Rinpoche introduces the first of the three student pathways: The Path of Dignity.

Three Essential Qualities to Cultivate

Full transformation of ourselves and the power to help others depends on the cultivation of the three qualities of dignity, compassion and wisdom. Phakchok Rinpoche comments, “Compassion is how to begin. Wisdom is how to develop. Dignity is how to be.”


Dignity comes from knowing decisively that our heart is noble, and our nature is inherently pure. We are whole and complete.


Compassion arises from the innate nature that has perfect and complete qualities already present. Genuine compassion is sincere and wholehearted understanding of and care for others’ suffering without hope for gain or self-interest.


Real wisdom means letting go of fixation on ourselves, what we regard as ours, and what we think is right. It is the realization of egolessness.

Online Course: The Power of Dignity

In this six-week online course from Shambhala Publications, Phakchok Rinpoche introduces you to the Buddhist teachings on inner dignity.

Note: The six-week course is not a Samye Patron all-access course and must be purchased separately from Shambhala Publications. A one-year Path of Dignity course is under development. Once it is ready, it will be accessible for all Samye Patrons free of charge.

Four Human Qualities to Manifest

All human beings can benefit from developing a good character. On top of that, we can remember to set a good motivation.

Big Heart

A big heart means becoming stable, steadfast, and patient—neither moody nor easily affected, neither easily excitable nor easily disheartened.

Kind Mind

Cultivate a kind, gentle, and open mind. Remain neither easily influenced by others nor quick to judge. With a kind mind, we make fewer mistakes, cause less harm, create fewer misunderstandings, and stay happier.


Keep promises and complete projects. Deliver what you promise on time and to the best of your ability. Don’t disappoint others by not following through.

Thinking of Others' Kindness

Remember the kindness of all beings and try to repay that kindness. Reflect on the love, time, and effort others have given to benefit you. Don’t take others for granted.


Phakchok Rinpoche stresses the importance of body-mind balance. He discusses the need for healthy eating, physical exercise, sufficient sleep and hydration in supporting the five elements of the body.

Mental & Physical Exercises

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Breathing Techniques

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Healing Mantra Recitation

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Browse our archive of Dignity teachings

Visit our archive of video teachings and articles related to the Path of Dignity.

Interested in the Path of Dignity?

We are working on a new membership area to allow you to easily access all the materials for your study and practice. There will be a monthly fee with scholarships available to all who need them.

Register your interest below and we’ll let you know when it’s ready.


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Interview with Phakchok Rinpoche in the Spanish Press

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Articles & News

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Audio/Video Teachings

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