Let the Dharma resonate fully. What does this mean? In this audio teaching from 2016, Phakchok Rinpoche explains what it means to let the Dharma resonate. The word “resonate” contains so many different meanings. It can mean to produce a deep, rich sound that reverberates. It can also mean to bring forth memories, feelings, and emotions. Resonate also has the sense of bringing agreement and of being accepted.


In order to let the Dharma resonate, we first receive teachings. We listen attentively, contemplate, and practice the teachings we are given. Letting the Dharma resonate means allowing the teachings to do their work and to make changes. If we do that, we are really doing the right practice.

Rinpoche observes that it is essential for us to put the instructions into practice so that we can experience the changes. That way we don’t wake up in a few years and think that nothing has changed and that there has been no benefit. We implement the instructions we receive rather than remaining passive.

Accumulating Merit

Let the Dharma resonate fully by accumulating merit. This is the best method, Rinpoche advises. But we do this without lots of expectations and thoughts that there is some sort of magical Pandora’s box that will transform us. That is not how it works. The journey of the path needs to bring changes. For example, going to Drubchens (Great Accumulations) brings changes.

When we begin such practices, we often don’t understand why or how, but something is happening within us. That is called blessings. Rinpoche says that we cannot have a spiritual practice without blessings and spirit! That is why a good teacher is important. When we have a good teacher we learn more than words and meaning. In addition, we can observe how the person behaves and practices.


We gradually develop trust in the teacher, in ourselves, and, most importantly in Buddha-nature. If we allow that spirit to resonate, then we don’t have a lot of doubts. Questions are endless. But it helps to consider why we are asking the questions. Why don’t we trust? We need to develop the strength of determination based on trust.

Rinpoche suggests we decide to do something first, then supplicate, and in that way, the trust will start blooming! Trust will bloom if we are decisive. It will become a habit, and we will automatically develop more spirit, more life. We will bloom like a flower! Make the decision to supplicate regardless of what happens. Don’t worry about whether we feel up or down, happy or sad. Instead, follow if we supplicate despite our emotions, we will see results.