Phakchok Rinpoche has asked his sangha as well as all who are inspired to take part to accumulate 10,000,000 (ten million) recitations of the Six Vajra Verse supplication yearly.

This blessed supplication was revealed as a treasure by the great treasure revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa in the 19th century. The first three lines are supplications to three forms of Guru Rinpoche, the fourth line is requesting Guru Rinpoche to grant blessings, the fifth line is requesting that all levels of obstacles may be removed, and the sixth line is requesting that all wishes may be spontaneously accomplished.

It is taught that there is no greater refuge in these times than Guru Padmasambhava. Make this supplication with a sense of weariness towards samsara, with love and compassion towards all sentient beings, and a heart full of genuine devotion. There is no doubt that the blessings will manifest in one’s mind stream when you supplicate in this way.

You may recite this supplication during your daily practice sessions as well as while going about your daily activities.

The Six Vajra Lines Supplication: A Revelation by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

dü sum sangye guru rinpoche
Buddha of the three times, Guru Rinpoche,

ngödrub kün dak dewa chenpö shyab
lord of all siddhis, Great Bliss,

barché kün sel düdul drakpo tsal
Dispeller of all obstacles, Wrathful Tamer of Māra

solwa deb so jingyi lab tu sol
I supplicate you, bestow your blessings.

chi nang sangwé barché shyiwa dang
Pacify the outer, inner, and secret obstacles

sampa lhün gyi drubpar jingyi lob
and spontaneously fulfill all wishes.


Discovered by the great terma-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, from the right-hand side of the Sengchen Namdrak rock on Mount Rinchen Tsekpa, ‘The Pile of Jewels’. Because the blessing of this prayer, one intended for this present time, is so immense, it should be treasured by all as their daily practice.

The Guru Ngadrama statue of Guru Rinpoche was sculpted in the eighth century during Padmasambhava's time in Tibet. On seeing this statue at the Great Samye monastery, Guru Rinpoche remarked, “It looks like me”, and then blessed it saying, “Now it is the same as me!”

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