Chokgyur Lingpa

Annual Korwa Dongtruk Puja

Over the course of three days our monks will perform the practice of Red Avalokiteshvara known as Korwa Dongtruk....

Korwa Dongtruk Puja

Korwa Dongtruk is a teaching of Guru Rinpoche revealed in a terma by the great tertön, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. Compiled by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, the sādhana, entitled “All-pervading Benefit,”…


Samten Gyatso in Zangdok Palri

For this Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share the account of a visionary journey to Zangdok Palri undertaken by one of our own...

Padmasambhava Comes to Tibet

On this last Guru Rinpoche Day of the Water Dragon Year of 2139 and with an understanding of these words of Padmasambhava to be a...

The Aspiration of the Vajradhatu Mandala

I would like to share with you this amazing aspiration made by Guru Rinpoche on the request of Trisong Detsen. This is an aspiration for...