
Chou Chen Samye Student reflections

A Garland of Protection

Chou Chen shares their experience with mantra practice....
Healing Practices
Path of Realization

Healing Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

Healing practices perform an important function for practitioners. Physical health situations can make our lives more stressful and difficult to manage....

Healing Mantra and the King of Bliss

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to friends near and far. In this last video of the Tukdrub Barché Künsel series, Phakchok Rinpoche introduces the King of...

Nepal Earthquake

As you all know, on Saturday Nepal suffered a devastating earthquake that took the lives of thousands of people and has left many tens of...

Four Points & Dusum Sangye Supplication

There are four points I would like to remind you of on this Guru Rinpoche Day. 1. Bodhicitta, the mind of enlightenment. This is so...

Root Tantra of Manjushri

When we let our emotions overtake us completely, we wind up on the same road making the same mistakes. Again and again, this happens. Why...