Series: 12 Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche

Healing Mantra and the King of Bliss

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to friends near and far. In this last video of the Tukdrub Barché Künsel series, Phakchok Rinpoche introduces the King of...

Protection Chakras and Prayers

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! In today’s video, Phakchok Rinpoche introduces Raksha Tötreng, the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche who is known to protect against uncertain time...

Gaining the Blessings of the Guru

Today’s video features Kalden Drendze, and is a continuation of the Twelve Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche series. Here, Phakchok Rinpoche shares a very concise method...

Taming Our Fears

Dear friends near and far Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day. Today we continue in the Twelve Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche series. Within the series, we…


Transforming Negative Appearances

Dear friends near and far Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day. Today I want to talk about the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche in Tukdrub Barché Kunsel,…


Making Peace and Purifying Our World

For today's message, Phakchok Rinpoche offers insight into Kyepar Pakpey, the seventh manifestation of Guru Rinpoche. At the heart of this practice is making peace...

The Importance of Failure

Dear Friends Near and Far, Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day again. Today I want to share with you the sixth of the Twelve Manifestations of...

Gaining the Siddhis

Dear Friends Near and Far, Today, I want to continue the Twelve Manifestations series. Now we are focusing on the manifestation named Dzamling Gyenchog, who...

Taming the Maras

Dear Friends Near and Far, Today I want to return to the Twelve Manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava. Removing obstacles, are important. So Guru Rinpoche manifested...

The Wholeness of Wealth

Dear friends near and far Hello! Happy Guru Rinpoche Day again. Today, we are continuing our series on the Tukdrub Barché Künsel Twelve Manifestations. To…

Path of Realization

Enhancing Your Clarity, Intelligence, and Wisdom

Phakchok Rinpoche continues his discussion of the 12 manifestation of Guru Rinpoche by talking about Mawey Senge, the "Lion's Roar."...

The Two Magnetizing Qualities

This whole year, I will be sharing a series of teachings based on the twelve Manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava. The first manifestation is called Gyalwey...