Series: Pilgrimage and Sacred Sites

With My Guru in Tharpaling

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to all of you! I hope you all are healthy and happy. As I am sending this message to you all...

Long and Meaningful Life

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! I am at present presiding over the Tsekar “White Amitayus” Drupchen here at our Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Boudhanath. It...

Message From Bhutan Pilgrimage

Dear friends near and far I apologize for the lateness of this Guru Rinpoche Day email. We have been on a pilgrimage for the past…


The Four Holy Places

A pilgrimage is an important act of devotion and faith as it enables us to accumulate merit and purify our defilements and obscurations of the...