Series: Societal Human Values

Path of Transformation

Being Patient and Farsighted and Enduring Hardship

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...
Path of Transformation

Speaking Moderately and in a Gentle Way

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...
Path of Transformation

Not Being Influenced by Evil Companions

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...
Path of Transformation

Having Little Jealousy

Jealousy sneaks up on us in many ways and it can be a tricky mental state to isolate. The Tibetan term (phrag dog) is a...
Path of Transformation

Repaying Debts on Time and Not Cheating With Weights and Measures

Although some readers might believe Buddhism and business have little to do with one another, history shows us a different story. The Buddha himself taught...

Repaying Those Who Have Previously Shown Kindness

In this article, Hilary Herdman continues her exploration of the Sixteen Principles of Societal Human Values....

Having Moderate Food and Wealth

In this article, Hilary Herdman continues her exploration of the Sixteen Principles of Societal Human Values....

Choosing Good Role Models

Hilary Herdman discusses Songtsen Gampo's advice in choosing suitable role models....

Being Loyal to One’s Relatives and Close Friends

In this article, Hilary Herdman continues her exploration of the Sixteen Principles of Societal Human Values....
Integrity, Honesty, Sincerity

Being Honest and Modest

In this article, Hilary Herdman continues her exploration of the Sixteen Principles of Societal Human Values....
Being Neighborly

Being Benevolent to Your Neighbors

Hilary Herdman shows how being kind to our neighbours lies at the heart of authentic dharma practice....

Being Respectful to Those of High Status and One’s Elders

It's important to be respectful to your elders, Hilary Herdman discusses how we can loosen our self-attachment by revevrential care to our elders....