
Understanding the Three Yanas

On the anniversary of Guru Dorjé Drolö, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us some insights on the meaning and purpose of the three yanas (Theravada, Mahayana,...
Guru Sampa Lhundrup

The Three Pillars of the Dharma

On the occasion of the consecration of the Guru Sampa Lhündrup statue at Samye Hermitage Bali, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us a clarification of the...
Guru Rinpoche with two of his heart disciples.

The Qualities of a Good Dharma Student

Phakchok Rinpoche asks his students to check on the essential qualities of a good student according to Maha Guru Padmasambhava's teaching....

Remembering the Key Points of Practice

Phakchok Rinpoche shares 3 verses of Patrül Rinpoche that emphasize the importance of understanding the key points of practice, as well keeping the three excellences...
Guru Rinpoche with two of his heart disciples.

The Accumulations of Merit and Wisdom

Phakchok Rinpoche talks about the accumulations of merit and wisdom, how they are defined, how they differ from each other, and how to gather them....

The Bardos: Teaching by Phakchok Rinpoche

These teachings are a valuable opportunity for those who wish to learn about experiencing the bardos. Rinpoche will explain the journey through the three bardos...

The Bardos: Teaching by Phakchok Rinpoche

These teachings are a valuable opportunity for those who wish to learn about experiencing the bardos. Rinpoche will explain the journey through the three bardos...
Jé Götsampa

Jé Götsangpa’s Answers to Common Questions

Phakchok Rinpoche shares advice from Lama Zhang on the different processes of rebirth and the relative importance of emptiness and compassion....

Striking the Vital Points of Practice

On the first Guru Rinpoche Day of the Tibetan Year of the Water Rabbit, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us two quotes on the key points...
Path of Realization» Mahayoga Practices

Tukdrup Barché Kunsel Shrine Diagram

Many students ask questions about how to set up a proper Tukdrup Barché Kunsel shrine for group practice or at home. Phakchok Rinpoche has kindly...
Maha Guru

Guru Yoga and the Generation Stage

On this Guru Rinpoche day, I would like to share with you all some of Guru Rinpoche’s precious pith instructions, from the fourth chapter of...
Lord Gampopa

Understanding the Ground, Path, and Fruition

On the first Guru Rinpoche day of 2023, Phakchok Rinpoche shares Lord Gampopa's words summarizing the ground, path and fruition....