Tsekar Drubchen

The Tsekar (White Amitāyus) Drubchen is an extensive group practice from the Chokling Tersar tradition.



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The Tsekar (White Amitāyus) Drubchen is an extensive group practice from the Chokling Tersar tradition. Drub chen means “great accomplishment”. Participants receive great benefits from engaging in these intensive group meditation practices. In addition, the practices benefit all sentient beings, and the entire outer and inner world is purified. Thus, the participants rely on all the skillful means of the Vajrayāna path.


The great tertön, Chokgyur Lingpa discovered this sādhana practice of the sambhoghakāya White Amitāyus, the Lord of Longevity, in Kham. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche revived this nine day Drubchen and it is now practiced every year at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery.

The Drubchen begins on the eighth day of the first lunar month of the Tibetan New Year. Practicing Tsekar brings forth auspicious circumstances for the two-fold attainment of longevity and primordial wisdom.

Why White Amitāyus?

The practice focuses on the sambhogakāya form of White Amitāyus because longevity allows more time and opportunity to practice the Dharma. Therefore, participants need to pay special attention to their motivation and should form the resolve and intention to practice in order to achieve the ultimate goal of liberation and enlightenment for all beings.

By participating in the Drubchen the practitioners intend to realize wisdom wakefulness or buddha-nature. This is done by revitalizing the diminished life-force. At the same time, we are recharging our merit or positive actions. Moreover, we develop magnetizing and powerful presence. The Buddha of Long Life, Amitāyus taught that these three qualities are needed to traverse the path to awakening.

At the conclusion of the nine day practice, the lamas lead participants in a ceremony of life release. This creates a meritorious and joyful occasion.

Table of Contents



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