
Sukhāvatī or Dewachen is the western pure land of the buddha Amitābha. This land is said to be a paradise of bliss, where beings can be reborn base…

Lha Bab Düchen

Lha Bab Düchen in Tibetan translates as, ‘The Festival of the Descent from Heaven.’ We celebrate this great event on the 22nd day of the ninth mo…


The city of Sarnath, referred to in early texts as Isipatana, was the site of the Buddha's first teaching to five followers, the Dhammacakkappavattana…

Nagi Gompa

Nagi Gompa Nunnery was given to Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche in the early 1960s by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. In his thirty-three years at Nagi Go…

Samyé Monastery

Samyé Monastery’s full name is Samyé Migyur Lhundrup Tsug la Khang which translates as the “Inconceivable Unchanging and Spontaneously Perfected…

Asura Cave

This extraordinary place, the single most sacred site connected with Guru Padmasambhava outside the land of Tibet, lies just beyond the Kathmandu Vall…