Save the Date: Announcing the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup Tsokbum

Join the Samye Sangha on Treldha Tsechu, the 10th Day of the sixth month, the auspicious Monkey Month (July 28, 2023), in celebrating Guru Rinpoche’s birth within a lotus blossom on Lake Danakosha.

Please join us during this auspicious time in accumulating one-hundred-thousand tsok offerings of The Spontaneous Fulfiller of All Wishes (Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup). Our monks will make extensive offerings from the Asura Cave Retreat Center in Nepal. Together, our monks, nuns, and lay sangha will accumulate 100,000 repetitions of the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup Tsok offering prayer. Preceding this event, Phakchok Rinpoche’s monks will complete two days of annual elaborate pujas.

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