Annual White Umbrella Puja

From December 9th-11th, the annual White Umbrella Puja was completed at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery in Nepal. This Annual Puja includes three days of puja concluding on the Dharma Protector Day of the 10th month of the Tibetan calendar. The benefits of this puja include removing and pacifying all negative spirits and evil forces.

Sitatapatra, Dukkarmo, or White Umbrella is named after her main emblem: a white umbrella. The Buddha revealed this deity to his followers as a powerful protection against calamities and malignant beings. Reciting her mantra averts evil influences and purifies defilements. Sitatapatra is thus practiced to this day to avert negativities of all kinds: disease, obstacles, black magic, evil spells, and all oppressing forces. It is said to be so powerful, that even if enemies would practice it, they would become invincible.

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