Rejoicing in the Lama Norlha Tsok Bum

We rejoice in your participation in the recent practice of The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels, A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller Of All Obstacles and the global Tsok Bum.

We are delighted to share with you that, as a global sangha representing over 60 countries, we surpassed the 100,000 recitations of the Lama Norlha Tsok offering prayer.

As with most of our tsok bum since 2020, a portion of the blessed offering was also distributed among those in need, orphanages, and institutions for the disabled and mentally handicapped.

We make aspirations that abundance and all good things and positive conditions are magnetized for the benefit of all sentient beings as vast as space.

Many of you have asked if it is appropriate to practice Lama Norlha individually. Although during a group event such as the Tsok Bum, participation is open to all, if you wish to continue the practice you would need an empowerment, reading transmission, and oral instructions as is required for all Mahayoga practices.

Below, you can see some of the photos taken during these three days of puja and rejoice.

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