Tibetan for Practitioners Course Now Available

Samye Institute is delighted to announce our Tibetan for Practitioners Home Study Program. Over the years many people have asked for more instruction in Tibetan so that they can move beyond reading phonetics. We are happy to offer you the opportunity to begin your study of the classical Tibetan language at your own pace and on your own schedule. 

We’ve conceived and designed this study program specifically for people who want to be able to understand and relate to their practice texts. As you follow the units in this program, you should gain confidence in your Tibetan language reading ability. The units are designed in short lessons that you can fit into your daily life. We recommend that you master each unit before moving on to the next lesson so that your foundation is stable.

The program includes a downloadable textbook that you can use for your reading practice. This textbook has a number of reading exercises and writing practices. Please take advantage of these drills so that you gain full proficiency with the material! Our instructor, translator Oriane Lavolé, explains pronunciation carefully so that you can appreciate subtle differences in tones. The advantage of the videotaped program is that you can return regularly to these videos to practice the sounds as you begin reading.

Tulku Migmar Tsering has also kindly recorded a series of videos that focus on the pronunciation of the Tibetan letters and words. Hearing a native Tibetan speaker pronounce the tones and different letters slowly is an important step in language learning. And your lifetime access to these videos means that you can refresh your ear regularly and continue to improve your language skills through repeated practice.

This program does not focus on grammar nor does it cover colloquial Tibetan. But we hope that this introduction to the language gives practitioners a firm foundation in reading and writing along with more of a feel for the language of practice texts. We also aspire that many of you go on to study Tibetan in greater depth! 

We hope to see many of you participate in this home-study program and there will also be a dedicated forum manned by some of the Lhasey Lotsawa translators, ready to answer your questions.

Introductory pricing for this course is $21 for lifetime access and as always, proceeds will go towards producing more courses and materials for you. 

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