Training the Mind: An Introduction – Now Available in Russian Language

We are happy to announce that the online course “Training the Mind: An Introduction” is now available in Russian. For several months now it has also been available in Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai. We really appreciate the efforts of volunteer translators to make this possible. Thank you!

Click here for more information.

点击阅读 简体中文 翻译。
Jika anda ingin membaca teks ini di dalam Bahasa Indonesia, silakan klik disini.
Se você quiser ler este texto em português, por favor clique aqui.
Si quieres leer este texto en español de Latinoamérica, haz clic aquí.
Если вы хотите прочесть этот текст на русском, нажмите, пожалуйста, сюда.
หากต้องการอ่านภาษาไทย กรุณาคลิกที่นี่

Course Description

Training the mind is a gradual process.  Before we begin training we need to first examine and get to know how our minds jump about. And, in this process, we may discover some surprising things.  We may never have thought much about our mental processes.  In a few short segments, Phakchok Rinpoche provides us with tools that we can use to begin investigating our mind.  In this program, you will receive easy-to-follow instructions on interrupting our habitual patterns.  And importantly, through this interruption, we can learn how to be less reactive. We can take charge of our own minds!

Rejoicing for our Global Translation Team

This course is donation based, and has been available in English for some time now. Thanks to the work of many volunteers, we now have it available in five other languages. This course is suitable for all types of practitioners. If you have always wanted to share teachings with friends or family members, this short course is a great place to begin. But it is also a great reminder for all of us already on the Buddhist path! Please share this information with any non-English speaker you think might benefit from these wonderful teachings.

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Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.