Tsok Bum & Annual Puja: One Hundred-Thousand Tsok Offerings of the Lake-Born Guru’s Heart Essence (Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik) Puja

Please join us this November on Guru Rinpoche Day in accumulating One Hundred-Thousand Tsok Offerings of The Lake-Born Guru’s Heart Essence (Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik) Puja. Our monks will be making the extensive offerings at the Asura Cave Retreat Center in Nepal. Together, our monks, nuns, and lay sangha will accumulate a total of 100,000 repetitions of the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik Tsok offering prayer.

Jamgön Kongtrul, in his commentary on Lamrim Yeshé Nyingpo, explains the significance of Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik as follows:

“Secretly, the means is the indivisible unity of primordially pure space and spontaneously present awareness, which itself is the basic nature of your own mind and all phenomena. The meaning of this is manifest in mudra form as the great Padma Vajradhara, Tsokyé Dorjé Chang, the symbol, who is all Three Roots condensed into one. He is the self-existing wheel of great bliss, and through his profound path of the essence yoga of undivided development and completion, you reach ‘accomplishment’ of unchanging co-emergent wisdom….”

Offering tsok is considered to be the supreme method for accumulating merit and wisdom, restoring all breakages of samaya and fulfilling the deities, gurus, protectors, and vajra brothers and sisters. Thus all unfavorable circumstances will be dispelled and all the practitioner’s wishes will be swiftly fulfilled. An immensely powerful way to perform the tsok is as a tsokbum, or 100,000 accumulations of the tsok offering.

Below is key information about the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik Tsok Bum

Date: November 14th (November 13th in the Americas)
Time: 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Nepal Time

You can check the time for your location here.

You can access the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik liturgy here. It is available in Tibetan with translation into: English, Thai, and Chinese.

Registration information will be posted in October, watch this space!

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