2022 Annual Pujas at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery 

Samye Institute is overjoyed to announce that Do-Ngak Ling Monastery is continuing series of annual pujas for 2022. Do-Ngak Ling Monastery is located in Chapagaon, a village in the Lalitpur District, located approximately 45 minutes south of Kathmandu. Situated just opposite the sacred pilgrimage site of Vajravarahi, the monastery was built and offered to Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche by a devout Newari Buddhist family.

Phakchok Rinpoche took over as abbot of this monastery upon the passing of Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. The monastic complex also houses a school for young monks and a health care center. In recent years, the late Kyabjé Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche began to build the Zangdok Palri temple—a representation of the heaven of Guru Rinpoche—here. This unique temple is a supreme place of liberation through seeing, and for the accumulation of merit through offerings.

Since Vajravarahi is the root of all the emanations of dakinis and the monastery is built on the grounds of a sacred Vajravarahi site vibrating with blessings, this is the perfect place for practice. Within this special and sacred environment, the monks—both senior and junior—form an excellent group of practitioners.

Annual Pujas

The monastic sangha will perform the following pujas, or practices, on behalf of Phakchok Rinpoche and his students and benefactors. These pujas were carefully selected by Rinpoche. They are also the pujas that are most frequently recommended by the divinations of many great masters.


It is considered to be extremely meritorious and beneficial for anyone to participate in these practices either directly or through offerings. Participating in and making offerings to these pujas is traditionally not only done when oneself or loved ones are facing difficult times but also to prevent future obstacles from arising.

Thus we would like to extend our warm invitation to everyone to join us and participate in these practices and request the kind offerings of all who feel inspired by these extraordinary events.

Please find further information about the pujas and make offerings by clicking on the links below:

Annual Lotus Dakini Mantra Recitations and Fire Pujas

October 14th – October 20th

Lotus Dakini (Kurukullé or Pema Khandro)

Annual recitation of one million Lotus Dakini (Kurukullé or Pema Khandro) mantras and performance of one hundred-thousand fire pujas from The Seven Cycles of Profundity at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery in Nepal.

Annual Nyungné Fasting Practice

November 7th – November 8th

One thousand-armed Chenrezig

Annual Nyungné Fasting Practice at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery in Nepal. Our monks will perform two days of this special fasting ritual combined with the practice of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion.

Annual White Umbrella Puja

December 30th, 2022 – January 1st, 2023

Sitatapatra (White Umbrella)

Annual White Umbrella (Sitatapatra or Dukkarmo) Puja from The Seven Cycles of Profundity at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery in Nepal. Over the course of three days our monks will practice the puja of White Umbrella and make daily torma offerings which is a method for exorcising all negative spirits and evil forces.

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