Tulku Migmar Visits the California Vietnamese Sangha

Tulku Migmar Tsering recently spent time with the Vietnamese sangha near Los Angeles. During his visit, he led the group in several days of puja and instruction. He conducted a Lama Norlha puja, teaching participants the benefits of the practice and reminding them that we practice for both inner and outer wealth, mainly for inner peace and harmony.

The following day, he led the group in a Medicine Buddha puja. Tulku-la stressed to participants the importance of taking care of mental health as well as praying for physical well-being. All illness is rooted in the three root negative emotions and therefore it is important that we learn how to transform those in order to achieve true health. Tulku-la also conducted a Mahakala puja and shared the three different levels of Mahakala practice.

During the events, Tulku-la gave meditation instructions and guided the participants in shamata and vipaśyanā meditation, advising them on taming the mind through regular practice. He reminded the group that the mind’s nature is pure and luminous, and by learning to train the mind in meditation, we can all come to see that. In addition to the formal teaching sessions, Tulku-la spent time with sangha members, sharing stories, giving advice, and conducting house pujas.

We rejoice in the auspicious events and are happy to share these photos from Tulku’s recent tour.

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