Tukdrub Sampa Lhündrup Tsok Bum on Guru Rinpoche Day During the Commemoration of the Buddha’s Display of Miracles

In order to inspire the devotion of his future disciples, and to support their accumulation of merit, Shakyamuni Buddha displayed a different miracle each day for fifteen days. Tibetan Buddhists rejoice in this during the festival of Chötrul Düchen, the first fifteen days of the first month in the Tibetan lunar calendar.

During this festival, the effects of positive or negative actions of body, speech and mind are multiplied by 100,000. On the tenth day, Guru Rinpoche’s Day, and the fifteenth day, the full moon day, or Chötrul Düchen, these effects are multiplied 10 million times!

Therefore, on this 10th day, the Samye Sangha will gather together in-person and online to accumulate the merit of practicing a Tukdrub Sampa Lhündrup Tsok Bum for the benefit of beings. Sangha members in Nepal will be welcome to join in person, and the global sangha will be invited to join online. The tsok offerings will begin at 8am Kathmandu time, which is in the evening in the Americas on February 28th. You can find your local time here

Below is key information about the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup tsok bum:

Date: March 1, 2023 (February 28th in the Americas)

Time: 8:00–11:00 a.m. Nepal time

You can check the time for your location here.

You can access the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup liturgy here. It is available in Tibetan with translation into: English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesian, Ukrainian and Russian.

Register and Pledge the Malas You Will Accumulate on Zoom

Zoom registration is required for everyone, regardless of whether or not you will join the Zoom meeting. Please follow these steps for registering, pledging the number of malas of recitations, and attending Zoom.

Please click below to register and pledge the malas that you will accumulate.

Meeting ID:895 3396 1506 


Joining via YouTube

At the same time that we are practicing via Zoom, we will be live-streaming aspects of the Samye Zoom meeting via YouTube. This recording will be available for 24 hours after the completion of the Tsok Bum Puja.

Remember: even if you decide to join via YouTube, you still have to register and pledge your malas on Zoom. Please note: translations in different languages are only available via Zoom, not YouTube.

Make an Offering

Make an offering to support this puja and make an auspicious connection.

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Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.