New Ebook: A Glimpse of Buddhadharma, 2nd Edition by Phakchok Rinpoche

We rejoice in sharing the news that Lhasey Lotsawa has released a newly revised edition of A Glimpse of Buddhadharma.  In this volume, Phakchok Rinpoche offers a broad introduction to the key points of Buddhism – from Hinayana to Vajrayana –presented in the form of questions and answers in Rinpoche’s usual direct, lively style. This short book may offer only a glimpse into the vast and rich treasure of the Buddha’s teachings, yet it sheds light on many fundamental and crucial points, and answers some of the most common questions that arise for those new to Buddhism. This revised, second edition features clarified language, Rinpoche’s further explanation on several points, and extensive notes and glossaries. Readers seeking to learn more will also find many references to publications that explain key topics in greater detail.

Book is now available on Amazon Click Here

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