Auspicious Global Sangha Accumulations of Merit During Bumgyur Dawa

On the first Guru Rinpoche Day of the Tibetan Iron Ox year (February 22, 2021), Phakchok Rinpoche and Samye joyfully commence a series of three global sangha accumulation of merit events. As these practices will occur during the first month of the lunar year, the merit will be multiplied as this whole month coincides with the anniversaries of miracles manifested by Shakyamuni Buddha. To learn more, please visit our page on Bumgyur Dawa, the first month of the Tibetan calendar.

We will commence with the Tsa Sum (or: Three Roots) Tsok Bum. This will be the 8th and final tsok bum in the Samye Tsok Bum Series which began last July. The first day of this Tsok Bum will be live-streamed in the morning, and the tsok bum will continue into the afternoon and for four consecutive days afterward at the Asura cave retreat center.

Our second event will be a global online Lama Norlha puja. This online puja gathering will auspiciously coincide with the parinirvana anniversary of the great master, Jetsün Milarepa. Lama Norlha, one of the twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche, is a combination of all the enlightened wealth deities.

The third event will be a global online accumulation of the Riwo Sangchö practice. The merit of this practice will be multiplied as it will happen on the day of Chötrul Düchen, meaning “Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations.”

This profound cleansing offering practice will be led from the main shrine room at Asura Cave by Phakchok Rinpoche along with the three-year retreatants, who are practicing there. So that everyone who wishes can practice together in this great vajra net of accumulating merit, the smoke offerings will be live-streamed via YouTube. 

February 22 – First Lunar Month

Tsa Sum Tsok Bum (Three Roots)

Specific information and introduction can be found here.

Note: The accumulation prayer can be found on pp. 45-46 of the text.

Required text is available here.

Accumulation page

Here is the accumulation prayer in the language of your choice:

February 26 – First Lunar Month

Lama Norlha Wealth Puja

Specific information and introduction can be found here.

Required text is available here.

February 27 – First Lunar Month

Riwo Sangchö Mountain Incense Smoke Offering

Specific information and introduction can be found here.

Note: We will accumulate only “oṃ āḥ hūṃ”.

Note on timing and Sang: Please be aware that Phakchok Rinpoche and Tulku Migmar have confirmed that all participants can feel free to offer sang during this practice regardless of the time of day in your time zone. Customarily we offer sang before the late afternoon but we should all be confident to offer along with the group at Asura.

Required text is available here.

Make an Offering

If you would like to join in the merit by making an offering, to one or more of these events, please click here.


Việt Ngữ

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