Celebrate the Winter Solstice by Reciting the Kunzang Mönlam Prayer

Kuntuzangpö mönlam gyi
Through this, Samantabhadra’s prayer of aspiration,

tamché chöying podrang du
May all attain complete and perfect awakening

ngönpar dzok té tsang gya shok
Within the palace of dharmadhātu, the absolute sphere.

Samantabhadra (Ever-Perfect One) or (Tibetan) Kuntuzangpo, Tibet. Part of the tantric art exhibit Honored Father-Honored Mother, Trammell & Margaret Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas, USA. Photo by Joe Mabel

Today is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. On this day, the northern pole is at its farthest distance from the sun; consequently, today is the shortest day. In the Vajrayana, the solstice is an extremely important day to perform extensive aspiration and dedication prayers. Today, we encourage you to listen to Tulku Migmar Tsering recite the famous Dzogchen aspiration, the Kunzang Mönlam.

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