Chötrul Düchen: Samye Rejoices in Your Participation

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

We rejoice for those of you who participated in the Tsa Sum Tsok Bum, the conclusion of our series of eight global online ganachakra feast offering practices. We invite you to view the Seven Tsok Bum video that was shared during this final gathering.

Furthermore, we also rejoice for those who participated in the global online practices of Lama Norlha and Riwo Sangchö.

Video from the Tsa Sum Tsok Bum
Video from the Tsa Sum Tsok Bum
Video from the Tsa Sum Tsok Bum

We are delighted to share with you that, as a global sangha representing 43 countries, we all together accumulated more than 135,000 recitations during the global online Tsa Sum Tsok Bum. And during the following five days, Phakchok Rinpoche and a gathering of lamas, monks, nuns, and lay practitioners completed about 200,000 accumulations of the tsok offering.

With regard to the accumulation of OM AH HUNG during the Riwo Sangchö puja, our global online sangha, combined with the monastic sangha gathered at Asura cave, all together accumulated more than 250,000 recitations.

As these three practices were undertaken within the first fifteen days of Bumgyur Dawa, from Guru Rinpoche Day to Chotrul Duchen, we rejoice in the incredible amount of merit gathered for the benefit of all beings.

Sarva Mangalam,
The Samye Team

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